School meals are supplied by a private company, prepared at Mabe School and eaten in the school. The menu is displayed in school. School meals supervisors (dinner ladies) look after the children whilst eating dinner and afterwards in the playground.
All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children in state-funded schools in England are entitled to free school meals under the government’s universal free school meals scheme.
It is essential that ALL meals are booked through ParentPay by 8am on the day that they are to be taken, (including Free School Meals.) Please see school website for details. Please remember that if a School lunch has been booked on a day your child goes on a trip, sporting event or brings a packed lunch, if the meal is not cancelled with Autograph, then unfortunately no refund will be given.
ParentPay is an online secure payment system used by the school for most financial transactions. It enables parents/ carers to pay for school meals, outings, residentials etc.
Details of use will be given to parents/carers following a child’s enrolment in school.