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Science at Flushing CE Primary School

Why do we teach Science? 

At Flushing School, we aim to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity in Science. 

We recognise the significance of Science in our everyday life and we want our pupils to understand the world they live in today. We want them to be equipped with knowledge and skills to understand the use of science in their future. 


How is Science taught at Flushing?

We follow the Nation Curriculum, which outlines the content that will be covered by each year group. We plan a two-year rolling overview to match our mixed year groups. Units of work are placed to best fit class topics, to create engaging experiences. Lessons build on previous knowledge and create connections with new knowledge, making it meaningful. Time is given to practical work and the development of working scientifically skills. Wider opportunities are offered to work collaboratively with the community. All children will experience learning in our beautiful local environment. 


What is the purpose and impact of Science? 

We want every child to flourish at Flushing School and in our world. We create positive attitudes and experiences for our young scientist. The impact of our Science will ensure that all pupils: 

  •       Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through specific discipline of biology, chemistry and physics. 
  •       Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquires that help them to answer specific questions about the world around them.
  •       Are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.