Welcome to the Flushing C of E School website. We have spaces for Reception from September 2024. Please apply through School Admissions: https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/schools-and-education/schools-and-colleges/school-admissions/

Religious Affiliation

The School is a Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School. During the week, the school holds daily acts of worship for the school community. Grace is said before lunch and the children are encouraged to say a prayer before going home at the end of the day.

The Rev. Andrew Stevenson works closely with the school enabling the Church to maintain good links with the school and be a supportive friend, fully encouraging the Christian ethos of the school.

A parent has the right to withdraw a pupil from attendance at religious worship and/or religious instruction. If suitable religious instruction cannot be given in school, the parent may provide it elsewhere and the pupil may be released from school for that purpose. When a pupil is released from school in this way, the arrangements made must not interfere with his/her regular educational provision and therefore, the absence must be either at the beginning or end of a school session.