Our School Day
Our day can change depending on the exciting things the teachers have planned for pupils, but generally the day can be seen as:
8.00am Breakfast Club provision starts
8.35am School gates open
8.45am Registration
10.15am Playtime
12.00pm Lunchtime
2.15pm Playtime
3.15pm Hometime
3.15pm After School Club (TUC) provision starts
5.30pm TUC provision closes
Worship happens daily, down at the Village Club, just before the end of the school day.
When bringing or sending children to school in the mornings, parents should note that there are no teachers officially present until 8.45 a.m. We ask that children should arrive at school at between 8.35 and 8.45am, so that they are not late. In the case of children who go home for a mid-day meal, responsibility will only be accepted during the lunch hour from 12.40 pm. provided such children are on the school premises.
The end of the school day is 3.15pm and all children must be collected on time. Infant children must be collected by a parent/guardian or designated adult (we must be notified of this adult and introduced to them by the parent/guardian before they take on this role). Dolphin pupils may be allowed to walk home with written parental consent. Any child not collected on time will be placed in the Childcare Club and parents will be charged the full hourly rate. Any child placed in the Childcare Club must be collected in person and signed for.
Parents must ensure children know their collection arrangements before they leave home. Strictly in emergency, contact the office before 12 o’ clock to notify us of any change in arrangements. We cannot guarantee that any changes made after this point will be picked up or passed on.